Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shana tova from TalknSave!

It's been another wonderful year here at TalknSave, and we could not do it without YOU, our wonderful customers! We're proud that this year we've been able to give lower rates and better service on things like data packages, call packages and more.

May you have a HAPPY and HEALTHY year, reaching the destinations you seek and keeping in touch with loved ones all along the way. Shana tova!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Unlimited calling in Israel with TalknSave - first time available!

For the first time in Israel, you can rent a phone in Israel with unlimited calling to Israel and the USA!

No hidden fees - no overage - no surprises!

Daily rate gives you
- a new 3G phone rental
- insurance coverage
- unlimited calling in Israel
- unlimited calls to the USA, Canada, and landlines in many other countries as well

Want data? You can get all of the above PLUS unlimited data on your rental phone, great for basic email and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) functionality. 

Want to bring your iPhone, Blackberry or other smart phone (Android, etc)? No problem, get all that unlimited calling PLUS unlimited 3G/4G data on your iPhone, Blackberry or smart phone!

Of course, all our other services you know and love are still available, like virtual US numbers, SurfnSave modem rentals and so on. Sign up now for the Rosh Hashana / Sukkot in Israel season - this offer is valid for rentals up to four weeks long, and is only available for a limited time - the price will go up soon!

TalknSave is happy to bring you this new innovation - the first cell phone company to offer unlimited calling for tourists in Israel!

Happy travels! Shana tova!

Network upgrade for TalknSave

TalknSave is thrilled to announce that it will be upgrading its network to the fastest 3G/4G network available in Israel, via Pelephone, Israel's original mobile carrier. 

With Pelephone, our reception is even more seamlessly solid, and the data speeds are incredibly fast! With more and more customers wanting data services on their phones, this upgrade was the next logical step in bringing the best service to TalknSave's clients.

What this means for new customers: Almost every phone we rent is now BRAND NEW, and all are 3G phones with data capabilities. Even our data-free kosher phone models are brand new and the latest generation touch-screen models.

What this means for existing customers: Gradually we are upgrading all accounts to Pelephone. You will be contacted by our team regarding when your phone and network upgrade will take place. In most cases, you can keep your existing 052 number, or switch to a new 050 number. Phone for Life customers will be given a free new phone as well. We will happily move over your contact information here in our Jerusalem office. 

All of us at TalknSave are thrilled about this new development, and look forward to providing you the best service in Israel!