Talk'n'Save is thrilled to announce our new service in the greater Bet Shemesh / Ramat Bet Shemesh area. Hundreds (thousands?) of tourists, students and olim come directly to the Bet Shemesh area upon arrival in Israel, and now they can get their rental cell phone, SIM card, modem and more without leaving town.
In conjunction with the RBS Gelt Center, customers can pre-order their rental equipment, and pick it up in the Ramat Beit Shemesh Alef merkaz mischari, the large shopping center off of Nachal Kishon. Convenient to the Ramah and minutes away from Bet Shemesh proper, the location provides a valuable bonus to recently-arrived tourists, because the RBS Gelt Center is a full-service money changer as well as a Talk'n'Save pickup location.
At the end of your rental, you can return the Israel phone, SIM or modem directly at the RBS Gelt Center. There is no fee for this service - free pickup and free return.
The RBS Gelt Center is open Sun-Thurs from 8:30 AM-7 PM, and Fridays & erev chag from 8:30 AM-12:30 PM.
Residents of Ramat Beit Shemesh, Beit Shemesh and surrounding yishuvim - let your visiting friends and family know that Talk'n'Save provides the best service, savings... AND convenience.