Monday, September 20, 2010

Sukkot in Israel!

We're happy to bring you lots of links to help make your Sukkot in Israel the best ever!

1) Need to rent a cell phone? Maybe an extra one for visiting guests or family? Our free cell phone rental for Israel special is still going on, but hurry - soon it will be too late!

2) Driving around in Israel? Rent a GPS for Israel and don't spend your holiday asking for directions!

3) Need something to do? Check out the handy Jerusalem events calendar at

4) Feel like some music? Rock Ami's chol hamoed Jewish rock'n'roll concert is back in Jerusalem! Go to Rock Ami's site for more information and discounts on tickets.

5) Looking for more ideas? Here's Rusty Mike Radio's podcast on things to do this Sukkot.

Have a wonderful Sukkot holiday! Remember, Talk'n'Save will be closed for days of chag, but we WILL be open for reduced hours on chol hamoed. Chag sameach from Talk'n'Save, your cell phone company in Israel!