Now pay just 7.9¢ per minute to call your home number in the USA - in Canada - in the United Kingdom!
Talk'n'Save believes you should save the most where you talk the most, and we've seen that tourists usually spend a sizable amount of their stay calling "back home."
Want to call to sing the kids to sleep?
Want to call to check your voice mail at home?
Want to call to remind them to water the plants, turn off the iron, record a program, send more money for souvenirs? Now you can, for just under eight cents a minute.
Ready to sign up? Go to our short-term tourists rental phone for Israel page. We're waiting for you!
Oh - wait - you signed up last week? No problem. We're also extending this offer to customers with current rentals, not just new ones. You'll get an email from us about it. :) Have a great trip!