Over 100 different area codes (representing hundreds and hundreds of numbers) are currently in stock and ready to be assigned to Keep'n'Touch accounts - today!
The Keep'n'Touch Direct (KnT Direct) service allows you to have a virtual number that rings on your Israeli cell phone. So whether your friends and family are back in London, CT or London, UK... or Paris, TX or Paris, France... they can dial a LOCAL number to reach you in Israel.
Don't be confused by other similar sounding services. Keep'n'Touch Direct doesn't work through a toll-free gateway where you have to dial extra digits and PINs and so on. For your friends and family outside of Israel, it's as if they were making a local call. They even hear an American-style ringing sound! For travelers getting business calls while they're in Israel, it's a real bonus that no one needs to know you're out of town.
Already have a Keep'n'Touch virtual number on your phone? You may be interested to know you can have more than one. So if Grandma lives in Palo Alto, CA, and Savta lives in Miami, FL, you can have two Keep'n'Touch lines with local numbers for each of them. Just drop us an email at keepntouch@talknsave.net.
For more information on our Keep'n'Touch Direct plans, please see the main Talk'n'Save website.