Did you know Talk'n'Save is going into its 10th year of being the BEST phone plan for students in Israel?Back in 1999, Talk'n'Save was the new cell phone company on the market - but even in our first year, what we heard from customers was, "Finally -
my child can have the security of great cellular service in Israel WITHOUT the huge price tag! Thank you Talk'n'Save!"
Every year since then, Talk'n'Save's student plans have just gotten better and better - better prices for
the type of calls you make the most, better service
when and where you need us most, and more options to suit students on every kind of budget.
If you haven't yet done so, please see our
special deals for students coming to Israel for the year. Note our newest package plans! Pay as little as
4.9 cents per minute for ALL YOUR CALLS to the USA, Canada AND Israel! (UK landlines too!). We're offering more packages than last year too - all the way up to 3000 outgoing minutes per month!
On a tight budget? For a limited time only, we're offering a 150 minute package for... free! Really! Just pay the rental / line fee, and don't pay anything more for up to 150 minutes of local AND international calls!
Like to study on the phone? We're offering in-school packages this year (where for
fractions of a penny you can have more minutes just to call other students in your school!).
Did you know that
more than 90 schools in Israel recommend Talk'n'Save to their students? Schools like AJ, Bar Ilan, Be'er Miriam, Derech, Hebrew U, KBY, Machon Maayan, Mevaseret (YSMZ), Michlalah, Michlelet Esther, MMY, Ner Yaakov, Ohr Dovid, OJ, Reishit, Shaalvim, Sharfman's, TJ... the list goes on!
The best cell phone company for students in Israel is still Talk'n'Save!There's so much to tell - we're still offering great Keep'n'Touch virtual US numbers for cell phones, offering new phone models like the Nokia 6288, the Motorola z3 and v9... and we'll be offering more choices for customers who make lots of calls to Europe and Australia too.
So stay tuned, and have an AMAZING year in Israel... with Talk'n'Save!