Monday, December 1, 2008

Local pickup in Lakewood, NJ - now available!!

Congratulations New Jersey - you now have the option of picking up your Talk'n'Save rental phone in Lakewood!

We're thrilled to announce our new partnership in Lakewood, NJ. Experience the ultimate in local convenience getting your phone before your trip right in your hometown, and the ease of returning your equipment to the same location upon your return! NO hassles - and you save money too! Local agent pickup is just $5, cheaper than delivery by mail in the US or by courier in Israel.

Our Lakewood office is at 14 Chelsea Court, Lakewood, NJ. Email or call 732-719-3779 to arrange for service. Please call first so our agent can accommodate you properly!

Enjoy the ease of talking and saving!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Talk'n'Save sponsors the AFI football league!

(from the AFI official press release)

Talk'n'Save suits up as AFI league sponsor

Talk'n'Save, a longtime supporter of American Football in Israel, is now the sponsor for all AFI league activities.

"Talk'n'Save has been involved with the AFI leagues for years, and we're really excited to be able to sponsor them now," said Yonah Berzon, CEO of Talk 'n' Save, the leader in cell phone service and rentals for students in Israel since 1999. "We care about the students' entire Israel experience, not just their cell phones, and we know hundreds of our customers are going to be out there playing ball with AFI. So it's really a personal initiative for us to be supporting 'our boys.' And this way," he added with a grin, "we don't have to pick favorites by just sponsoring one team."

"This is a great development for AFI," said Talk'n'Save AFI President Steve Leibowitz. "We have forged an alliance with a great company that recognizes the central role football and Kraft Family Stadium occupies in the Anglo sports scene in Jerusalem and in Israel."

American Football in Israel ( is a non-profit association, which in spring 2004 was granted official recognition as the sport's governing body in Israel by the Ministry of Education's Sports Authority. AFI is a member of the International Federation of American Football ( and the European Federation of American Football ( AFI President Steve Leibowitz and Commissioner Danny Gewirtz established their first football league in Israel in 1988. AFI leagues have grown to include some 90 teams and over 1000 players, including the Kraft Family Israel Football League ( and four flag football leagues. For more information on the league, see the Talk 'n' Save AFI Web site. (

Monday, October 6, 2008

Not too late for our Sukkot Special!

Coming to Israel for Sukkot? Talk'n'Save's Sukkot cell phone rental special is here!

Rent one phone, get the second phone... free! NO rental fees, NO insurance fees, NO delivery fees on the second phone! Just pay for the calls you make.

Who qualifies? Anyone renting a short-term phone from October 2nd to October 20th!

Over the Sukkot holiday itself, our offices will be operating under reduced hours. Those will be posted on our contact us page.

A big chag Sukkot sameach to all of our friends!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Talk'n'Save - still #1 for students!

Did you know Talk'n'Save is going into its 10th year of being the BEST phone plan for students in Israel?

Back in 1999, Talk'n'Save was the new cell phone company on the market - but even in our first year, what we heard from customers was, "Finally - my child can have the security of great cellular service in Israel WITHOUT the huge price tag! Thank you Talk'n'Save!"

Every year since then, Talk'n'Save's student plans have just gotten better and better - better prices for the type of calls you make the most, better service when and where you need us most, and more options to suit students on every kind of budget.

If you haven't yet done so, please see our special deals for students coming to Israel for the year. Note our newest package plans! Pay as little as 4.9 cents per minute for ALL YOUR CALLS to the USA, Canada AND Israel! (UK landlines too!). We're offering more packages than last year too - all the way up to 3000 outgoing minutes per month!

On a tight budget? For a limited time only, we're offering a 150 minute package for... free! Really! Just pay the rental / line fee, and don't pay anything more for up to 150 minutes of local AND international calls!

Like to study on the phone? We're offering in-school packages this year (where for fractions of a penny you can have more minutes just to call other students in your school!).

Did you know that more than 90 schools in Israel recommend Talk'n'Save to their students? Schools like AJ, Bar Ilan, Be'er Miriam, Derech, Hebrew U, KBY, Machon Maayan, Mevaseret (YSMZ), Michlalah, Michlelet Esther, MMY, Ner Yaakov, Ohr Dovid, OJ, Reishit, Shaalvim, Sharfman's, TJ... the list goes on!

The best cell phone company for students in Israel is still Talk'n'Save!

There's so much to tell - we're still offering great Keep'n'Touch virtual US numbers for cell phones, offering new phone models like the Nokia 6288, the Motorola z3 and v9... and we'll be offering more choices for customers who make lots of calls to Europe and Australia too.

So stay tuned, and have an AMAZING year in Israel... with Talk'n'Save!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Finally, the big news... now, all customers can make ALL their calls... dialing direct!

Talk'n'Save is now easier to use than ever!

Veteran Talk'n'Save customers have loved our great rates, amazing customer service - but the dialing methods haven't always been the most convenient to learn or use. Our most frequent comment from customers...
"make it easy!"

So... we have!

Now - dial direct for all calls in Israel (just dial the number - and go!). Dial direct for all international calls (just dial 00 or press +, the country code and the number!).

No codes, no prefixes, no hassle. Now it's REALLY simple to talk... and save!

Talk'n'Save is committed to being your cell phone company in Israel, and we're so excited that our service is just getting better and better!

Remember, each plan has different rates for calling different locations. You will ALWAYS pay more if you dial internationally through any network besides 00 (for example, NEVER dial through 012, 013, 014, 015 and so on). If you need to check your current rates or have any other questions... just ask!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Exciting updates coming soon!

As we said last time, next week we will have exciting news about how the Talk'n'Save service works.

Unfortunately, though, as a result of our lines being upgraded, Cellcom (our provider) is going to be resetting all existing voice mail accounts on Monday, July 21, 2008. That means all existing outgoing and incoming messages will be erased, and passwords will revert to the default.

Please plan accordingly, and we apologize for the inconvenience! But like construction dust, wait until you see what the final product will be!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Latest tidbits and specials

Happy Summer from Talk'n'Save! We haven't blogged in a while - just wanted to keep you abreast of the latest developments at Talk'n'Save, your cell phone company in Israel!

Our 4-6 Week Summer Special has been a tremendous success! Tons of kids on tours, families on holiday and students studying for the summer have enjoyed our special free rental offer. But if you're still coming, hurry and order soon - our 4-6 week special ends as of August 1, 2008!

It's not on our website yet, but we're now offering Surf'n'Save modem rentals for Israel for long-term customers! Students and tourists coming for an extended stay in Israel can now rent a cellular modem for their entire trip at reduced rates. Coming soon online! If you need it now, just contact our helpful customer service department.

Of course, this time of year we're busiest working on our student offers for 08-09, and closing up accounts for students who were here for 07-08. Any students who are renewing their accounts of course qualify for our exciting new plans for next year. Students who have left, of course, will have their accounts closed as soon as their equipment is returned to us.

The 08-09 school year will showcase some of our lowest rates yet (since 1999!) and more importantly, we have new phones and new plans too - and the Talk'n'Save user experience is being streamlined and simplified. In just a few weeks, talking-and-saving will be easier than ever! We've listed to our customer feedback, and we're really excited about the new developments. So stay tuned - within a week we should be back with really, REALLY exciting news!

That's all for now from Talk'n'Save! Remember - we're here to serve you, so let us know how we can serve you better!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Salute to Israel Parade 2008 - pictures!

Thanks again to the students of Shulamith High School, who paraded with Talk'n'Save necklaces, banners and goodies, and of course their great t-shirts proclaiming their "Cell-ebration" of the state of Israel!

Talk'n'Save is proud to be your cell phone company in Israel!

And Shulamith girls... we'll see you during your year in Israel!

(If you have more pictures to share, please send them to - we'd love to see them!)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Watch for us at the Salute to Israel Parade!

As we're sure all our friends in the greater NY area know, the Salute to Israel Parade is coming up in just a couple of days!

This year's parade celebrates Israel's 60th anniversary, and all the advances that Israel has made over the past 60 years.

Watch out for the marching students of Shulamith High School, who decided to highlight Israel's contributions to the worldwide cellular phone revolution - and how better to do that than with Talk'n'Save?! They will be carrying our banners and giving out Talk'n'Save freebies along the parade route, so be sure to watch out for them and give them a rousing hand of applause!

While Talk'n'Save is conveniently available to serve you in NY, we're based in Israel. When you choose Talk'n'Save, you can shop locally while supporting Israel!

Enjoy the parade, and remember - when you need to rent a phone for Israel... Talk'n'Save is leading the way!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blackberry service is coming!

Yet another innovation from Talk'n'Save! Coming to Israel with your trusty Blackberry? When you use your Blackberry with a Talk'n'Save Israeli SIM card, we can now provide you with Blackberry email and internet!

Never miss another email while traveling in Israel. Talk'n'Save's rock-solid service and coverage will keep you in touch, and our Blackberry service (provided through Cellcom, Israel's largest provider) means you're connected like never before.

Now, more than ever, Talk'n'Save is the ONLY choice for travelers to Israel!

Contact us for more information!

Talk'n'Save- the most options, the best rates, the best service!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Pesach 2008 - specials still available!

As Passover 2008 approaches, Talk'n'Save would like to remind you that our Pesach rent one, get one free special is still going on! We can accomodate your last minute travel needs - just stop by our Lawrence, NY (5-Towns) office this week! You can also arrange for convinient pickup from our Los Angeles, CA agency, and our Jerusalem office is as always, at your service.

While our NY office will be closed during Passover itself, as always our Jerusalem office will be open with reduced hours during the entire chol hamoed. Please see our site for latest times.

A chag kasher v'sameach, a wonderful holiday to all of our customers and friends!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Talk'n'Save: celebrating Israel @ 60 at the Friedberg JCC!

Talk'n'Save will be at the exciting Israel @ 60 Celebration at the Friedberg JCC in Oceanside, NY! We're thrilled to be part of this event, with attendees from all over the south shore of Long Island. Click the above banner for information, directions and so on.

Talk'n'Save is proud to be a part of the Jewish community on Long Island, letting you shop locally while you support Israel!

Look for our table at the event!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Talk'n'Save helps sponsor Jerusalem United rally and concert

Talk'n'Save is proud to be helping to sponsor the Jerusalem United rally and concert this Sunday in New York City! Proceeds from the evening go to benefit terror victims in Israel as well as needy Jews from Gush Katif and other Israel development projects.

We're sure the event will be a success!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Los Angeles pickup now available!

Talk'n'Save is thrilled to announce our new partnership in California!

For all our dedicated Los Angeles area travelers to Israel, you can now pick up and return your rental phone or SIM card in the heart of L.A.!

Our L.A. agent is located at 8829 Pickford Street, in the Pico Robertson neighborhood. Just call or email to arrange a time, and we'll be happy to serve you!

Best of all, SAVE MONEY! L.A. pickup is just $5, less than shipping your equipment from N.Y. or delivery in Israel! And L.A. office return is free, of course.

Click here for directions. Our L.A. representative can be reached at or call 310-402-2277. Remember to call or email first so our agent can properly accomodate you.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pesach Special 2008!

Rent one phone, get the second phone free!

Once again, Talk'n'Save is offering a special deal for travelers to Israel this Passover. Rent a phone or SIM with Talk'n'Save, and get free RENTAL, free INSURANCE and free DELIVERY on the second phone or SIM! Just pay for the calls you make.

See for more details, or just click here!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Talk'n'Save has done it again!

Now pay as little as 12.9 cents/minute to call the USA on the Talk'n'Save short-term phone and SIM rental plans!

We've listened to you, our customers, and given you a lower rate to 'call home' when you take a short-term phone or SIM rental from Talk'n'Save.

Ready to sign up? Go to or go straight to our short-term rental page.

Don't worry - family members with their special discounts still qualify for this 12.9 cents/minute rate!

Enjoy the savings, and enjoy your trip!

Rate not including VAT.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Keep'n'Touch numbers IN STOCK!

Over 100 different area codes (representing hundreds and hundreds of numbers) are currently in stock and ready to be assigned to Keep'n'Touch accounts - today!

The Keep'n'Touch Direct (KnT Direct) service allows you to have a virtual number that rings on your Israeli cell phone. So whether your friends and family are back in London, CT or London, UK... or Paris, TX or Paris, France... they can dial a LOCAL number to reach you in Israel.

Don't be confused by other similar sounding services. Keep'n'Touch Direct doesn't work through a toll-free gateway where you have to dial extra digits and PINs and so on. For your friends and family outside of Israel, it's as if they were making a local call. They even hear an American-style ringing sound! For travelers getting business calls while they're in Israel, it's a real bonus that no one needs to know you're out of town.

Already have a Keep'n'Touch virtual number on your phone? You may be interested to know you can have more than one. So if Grandma lives in Palo Alto, CA, and Savta lives in Miami, FL, you can have two Keep'n'Touch lines with local numbers for each of them. Just drop us an email at

For more information on our Keep'n'Touch Direct plans, please see the main Talk'n'Save website.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Talk'n'Save in the news!

The Jewish Star has an article about our grand opening!

Talk'n'Save's NY Grand Opening – a success!

More than 300 people packed into TnS's new 5-Towns office on Long Island, NY, for our big grand opening celebration last week.

Nachum Segal broadcast his award-winning show live from our new premises, and Dougie's 5-Towns provided some succulent treats for hungry fans of Talk'n'Save.

The winner of our grand prize of a free trip to Israel was Michael Lukin from Woodmere. Attendees from the 5-Towns, Far Rockaway and other locations in Long Island were winners as well, as we gave away a phone, free hotel stays (through Talk'n'Save Travel!), iPods and all you can eat dinners at Dougie's!

The new TnS office is conveniently located in Lawrence, NY, just minutes away from JFK airport. We're open 6 days a week – why not stop by on your way to Israel, and pick up your TnS phone?

Want to listen to the broadcast? Click here! (mms://

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Talk'n'Save GRAND OPENING tomorrow!

Come one, come all! TnS is holding a massive grand opening tomorrow, celebrating their new convenient 5 Towns location near JFK airport. We'll be giving away loads of things, including iPods, free SIM cards and a new Nokia mp3 phone, travel accessories and more, and a FREE TRIP TO ISRAEL!

The new Talk'n'Save office is at 207 Rockaway Turnpike, just around the corner from Central Avenue, right between Lawrence and Cedarhurst.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rate drop for Frequent Traveler virtual US number (Keep'n'Touch)!

Talk'n'Save is always looking to save you the most money when you travel to Israel. Now our Keep'n'Touch Direct (KnT Direct) plan has gotten even more attractive for our frequent traveler program users!

If you buy a SIM card for Israel through Talk'n'Save, you can get a virtual US number for just $29.99/year, and now calls that you receive on that US number are just 15 cents per minute! All taxes included, no minimum usage – just talk and save! Never be out of touch. Just give your virtual US number out to all your business contacts, family and friends back in the USA, and they can reach you painlessly and smoothly. Now going to Israel doesn't mean you're out of touch – you can Keep'n'Touch… with Talk'n'Save!

To sign up for our Frequent Traveler plan, click here.
For more information on our Keep'n'Touch Direct virtual numbers for frequent travelers, click here.