Dear TalknSave Customer,
TalknSave, like the rest of the world, is reeling at the damage caused by the recent hurricane in America. We hope and pray that you and your loved ones are safe and out of danger, and our hearts are with the communities devastated by the storm. Even if you are not in an area immediately affected by Hurricane Sandy, your TalknSave service may be affected. Please read the below.
Service Interruptions
The international, complex nature of our service mean some operations are based all over the world. Simply stated, aspects of your phone service - most notably virtual number service may be interrupted. Our service providers are mostly back up and running, but fluctuations in power and heavy traffic on the telecommunications grid may mean you experience the occasional difficulty. Additionally, many phone lines in the USA are down because of the storm. Please be patient.
Locations / Agencies in the US / Canada
Due to the storm, several of our US and Canada locations are operating under reduced hours or are closed entirely. Feel free to contact us for updated information, or contact the location directly - see our locations page.
Shipping and Returns in the USA
Our main shipping office in the USA is in the 5 Towns, NY - that office is currently closed. UPS deliveries are delayed or halted for much of the East coast. If you are awaiting delivery of your phone, or are waiting for confirmation that your phone was returned, please be patient. If you are able to travel to Israel but your equipment was not delivered in time, contact us - in most cases we can arrange delivery to you in Israel.
Travel Delays
Many airports and airlines are not operating their usual Israel flights. We understand that your trip dates may not be what you originally planned! If you need to change the dates of your rental, please email with your new details. We will do our best to accomodate you.
All of us at TalknSave are sending our prayers to those affected by the storm.
TalknSave - Your Cell Phone Company in Israel
P.S. If you have internet service but no phone service, remember you can send free text messages via our
Facebook app - use your computer or your phone's browser (not the FB app your phone may have) to 'like' our page and send messages to Israel at no charge.